4 Types of Emails to Use in Your Content Marketing Strategies

4 Types of Emails to Use in Your Content Marketing Strategies

What is a Content Marketing Consultant and Why Should you Work with One

Email is a great way to connect with your people on a more personal level. 


Your email list is one of your most engaged audiences because they’re not just accidentally coming across your content like on social – they chose to be on your list because you offer something that adds value to them! So don’t just ghost your list, k? Keep in touch regularly so that when it comes to selling and promoting your amazingness, they’ll be like “yes, awesome, I would LOVE to buy from her!”


Email Newsletters


This one is probably my favorite because you can get really creative with it. Pick a schedule that works for you – I send mine once a week, but every other week or monthly is fine. You can include things like personal life updates, recent work that’s been published, news about your business, give tips and advice in your niche, recommend some of your favorite things, give commentary on current events… anything that will add value to your reader’s life is welcome!


Promotional Emails


Depending on what your business is, you can actually send out promotional emails quite frequently. Just look at your own inbox and notice how often some of the bigger brands are sending you emails. It’s like… ALL THE TIME. If you’re selling a physical product, multiple times per week at least is a good strategy. You can also include promotional shout-outs or sections in your newsletters and nurture emails. A simple “PS, here’s how you can work with me!” line can be quite effective. It’s always nice to add a tidbit of free value into the promo email too. For example, you can create a nice promotional graphic that features the service or product you’re supporting, and below it offer some free tips or advice that relates to the thing you’re selling.


Nurture Emails


These are similar to newsletters but less formal. You can even think of them as little love notes to your email list. You can share whatever is on your mind, share some breaking news in your industry, pop in to say hi… whatever you feel like sharing. I do recommend setting a schedule or goal for how often you want to send these so you stay consistent and remain a reliable source for inspiration in your list’s inbox. Feel free to include your latest offers in here too and also links to your social media platforms. Just keep it light and casual and fun – and AUTHENTIC! Remember, always write like you talk.


Welcome Emails


No matter where your new subscriber signs up it’s nice to welcome them with a custom email series. Get creative and have fun with it! Here’s a quick example of what the welcome series could look like:


  1. Thank you for subscribing email – bonus points if you record a “welcome” video too!
  2. Introduce yourself and let them know what they can expect to hear about from you
  3. Send a list of some of your free resources they can use now
  4. Ask them about THEM! Ask what they’re hoping to get from being in your email community and if there are any topics they would like you to cover. Literally have them “reply” to this email.


I hope this inspires you to fire up your email list and start having fun sending emails to your people. If you’re looking for help in growing your email list or activating the one you have now by sending more emails on a regular basis – I can help! I can write the actual content for you or we can work together in coming up with a strategy that you and your team can implement on your own. Contact me to get started!


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