5 Posts You Can Make on Social Media to Promote Your Business in 2022

5 Posts You Can Make on Social Media to Promote Your Business in 2022

5 Posts You Can Make on Social Media to Promote Your Business in 2022

If you’re an entrepreneur trying to grow your business, you know you “should” be posting on social media, but you might not always be sure WHAT to post. In this article, I’m going to break it all down for you and leave you inspired to show up with confidence!

1 – Write About Life Updates


You know how we all love hearing the inside scoop of celebrities’ lives? Maybe I’m speaking for myself, but I love to hear what people have going on behind the scenes. You can do the same in your content! 


Don’t worry about what you’ve shared in the past, the size of your audience, or what someone from high school might think of you. Just pop right in there and let the people know what you have been up to! This is a great ice-breaker post for when you’ve taken some time off social, or for when you’re just jumping in. 


Some intro lines could be “…a lot has been going on over here lately!” or “…I have so many exciting updates to share with you!”


Speak to your audience like they are your community of loyal fans who can’t wait to hear from you! That energy will percolate into your copy and make people feel like they are part of a “cool kids club” by being in your audience.


2 – Share Vulnerable Parts of Your Story


Story posts are great for expediting the “know, like, trust” process in your marketing – especially if you are a personal brand. They help people relate to you on a more intimate level and see you as a leader. You might get feedback like “you’re so brave for sharing this” and it’s true! So many people are not open to sharing vulnerable parts of themselves, but for those of us who are open to it, we’re helping people by giving them the sense they’re not alone.


You never know what little tidbit about your past or background might connect with someone and that someone could organically turn into a customer or client… and you never even had to “sell” them. You just showed up with authenticity and shared from your heart. It sounds a little cheesy but it’s true.


3 – Share Your Expertise


You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for. You know more and can teach more than you probably realize, too. Think of something that comes easy to you… now, keep in mind that it doesn’t come easy to everyone, and you can teach it to them!


Do posts that list out tips, talk about mistakes people make in your field and how to fix it, give advice for beginners, offer quick takeaways or do more lengthy trainings.


For those of us who have a niche or field that we’re known for in our business, it’s easy to start feeling like what you’re saying is redundant… but say it anyway! You can even come up with a list of 3-5 things that you teach on and keep creating content about them.


Your audience is growing and new people are discovering you so you need to keep showing up and sharing your knowledge for both the newbies and the lifers. 


4 – Chime in on Controversy


This is definitely not for everyone, but if you’re brave and also mission-focused, there are times when you just HAVE TO say something about something. These often times get a lot of engagement because people all have opinions. You might “lose” some people but more importantly, you will attract people who are on the same page as you when it comes to these “issues.”


5 – Promote Your Offer


Duh! That’s the whole point of marketing! 😉 A CTA can be tacked on to basically all of these posts that promote your offer. You can also do more straight sales posts using storytelling to explain the transformation you’re providing. 


Even if you’re selling a physical good, you’re actually selling a solution to a problem. People care more about their own transformation than the specifics of your offer, which is why storytelling is so important. You can answer questions about ingredients, product details, what the program includes, etc. later or on your sales page. For social media you want to hook them in with a store they have an emotional response to and


Get Support with Your Social Media Marketing


I offer done for you and consulting services to help take the mystery and guesswork out of your social media marketing! Contact me today to chat about either option.


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