5 Tips For Finding Your Spirit Animal Copywriter

5 Tips For Finding Your Spirit Animal Copywriter


Find a Copywriter Who is Just as Excited as You Are

When you are looking for a writer, try to find someone who is legitimately interested in what you do. The sincerity and enthusiasm will show through in their writing which is a huge benefit. You will have to do less “teaching” and will get to the part where they naturally portray your tone, faster. Also, from a writer’s perspective, it’s way more fun to write about stuff you’re interested in. You’ll get work done faster and better if your writer is stoked about the content just like you.

That being said, however, don’t discount someone who doesn’t have direct experience with what you do, as long as they are willing to learn. If you get a good feeling about a writer and are willing to do some teaching and be patient with a learning curve, go for it. You’re going to be working pretty closely together so even if she isn’t an expert in your field, getting along well is super helpful for your working relationship.   

Ask for Writing Samples

Once you find a writer who you think might work, have her send over some samples of her writing for you to look at. This, combined with her own writing on social media and maybe her blog, will give you a good idea of her style. You can also ask to see examples from different types of industries to know her range. Decide what you want her to help you write – blogs, social, emails, etc. – and have her send samples of those.

I’m not a huge proponent of sending a writing assignment to see if you want to hire someone – I think you can get a good enough idea through their existing work – but if you want to send over something short to make sure she follows directions well, that would be fine.

Have a Discovery Call

Once you find your person, plan a discovery call. The writer will probably suggest this, but if not, it’s a good idea. Go over your voice and tone, ideas and words that you use and those that you never use, ways you like to communicate, give a virtual tour of your different social media sites, websites, etc., and just take some time to chat and get to know each other.

TRY THIS: Describe your brand in abstract terms. What would your brand be if it was a designer purse? A car? A brand of makeup? It’s a fun way to give your writer a better idea of what you’re all about.

Send Them Examples of Writing Styles You Love

Send over as many examples as you can. This is super helpful! Find social media accounts you like, websites you like, emails that catch your eye, etc. The more examples you can send over early in your relationship, the easier it will be for your writer to understand what you are expecting from them.

Be Honest and Clear in Your Feedback

I know you’re a really nice person and don’t want to make anyone feel bad, but remember you are paying for a service. If you are getting projects back that you end up re-writing or aren’t happy with, tell your writer. Chances are she is a smart person and will be able to adjust her style to meet your needs. Don’t worry about hurting feelings – it’s business. You will both be much happier in the long run if all the kinks are ironed out early. The point of hiring a writer is to make LESS work for you, so giving clear and straight-forward feedback will get you to that sweet-spot faster.

And just one more thing – I’m a strong “repurpose your content” advocate. It saves SO MUCH time and effort when creating all the social media posts, emails, landing pages, email funnels, etc. for your business. I made this “Spread Your Magic” Free Guide that gives you 20+ Ways to Repurpose Your Soul-Driven Content. YOUR words deserve to be read by more people, on more places and platforms. Grab your copy HERE