6 Ways to Show Up Consistently Online to Promote Your Brand or Business

6 Ways to Show Up Consistently Online to Promote Your Brand or Business

6 Ways to Show Up Consistently Online to Promote Your Brand or Business

If you want to use online marketing to get more clients and customers into your business, consistency is key. 

The truth is that attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and more and more content is being thrown at us… all day every day. You can’t just depend on posting here and there and hoping that your people will find you. You have to play an active role in attracting those soulmate customers into your orbit! Here are my six top tips for finally showing up consistently in your business.


Come up with a reasonable strategy.


You get to define what the word “consistent” means for you! If we overshoot our goals we set ourselves up for failure which is how we become overwhelmed and burnt out. Maybe a marketing guru says that you HAVE to post to Instagram every day to see growth, but that might not be realistic for you. How about 3x per week? Or 2x per week?


Figure out a strategy that you can actually follow through with, and then open yourself up for “extra credit” posts.


If any “industry standards” are blocking you from publishing your marketing content – let them go. Like “ideal posting times,” for example. If it works better for you to post all of your posts in a row, go for it. The main objective here is to just get it out there.


Experiment and choose the platforms that are FUN for you.


Don’t get married to one platform… but also give it some time to do its thing. Play around on a new platform with no “strategy” for a month or two and see if you like it! Every social media platform has its own personality, lingo, and vibe. If it’s not your thing, no worries, but at least try it out. Then you can really know what’s fun for you and create an online marketing strategy around that.


Keep an eye out for repurposing opportunities, too. If you like to create on YouTube, for example, explore how that content can be repurposed to TikTok or Instagram. There’s not much of a downside to getting your brand in front of more people.


Pay attention to your metrics, too. How are people responding to your posts? Behaviors online change all the time. Maybe your audience is kind of “over” Facebook groups. Or maybe you are! Keep yourself open to pivoting as needed. 

Create a content calendar and actually use it.


If you can dedicate an hour a week or a couple of hours per month to sketch out your online marketing calendar, it’s going to save you so much time in the long run. Decisions take a lot of energy out of us. It’s no coincidence that you see a lot of very “successful” people wearing the same thing day in and day out. It’s one less decision. 


Trust me – it’s so much easier to create content when you don’t have to decide “hmmm… what am I going to post about today? …every day! That’s exhausting and you’re going to get sick of it and procrastinate. I know from experience 😉


Simply sketch out (I make mine in a Google spreadsheet) the platforms you’re going to post on and a theme or topic for the post/content. Keep it simple.


Don’t try to make everything perfect.


If you wait to post until it’s perfect… it’s never going to get posted. And that’s such a bummer because people need to know how to hire you! The best way to see what works best in your marketing, messaging, and branding, is to put it out there and measure the reaction. It’s never going to be “perfect” so the sooner you can release that construct from your mind, the better. Also – there are no laws against deleting posts if you’re just not digging it 😉


Be authentic and unfiltered.


Again – when you don’t have to focus on putting on a show or being a different person online than you are IRL, it becomes really easy to show up consistently! And even FUN. Embrace your quirks, your accent, your bad grammar, and horrible spelling. Whatever makes you YOU, is what people want to see. 


Look for opportunities to automate and outsource.


Along with repurposing, automating, and outsourcing is a great way to stay consistent. You can have your IG content auto-post to Facebook, for example. You can batch out some emails and schedule them in advance. You can also work with a VA who will make sure that you are staying on top of the content that you agreed on working together to create. Zappier is a great platform that integrates a bunch of different platforms and integrates them with each other. Check them out.

If you’re looking for support in your online marketing strategy and execution, we should chat! I offer copywriting and online marketing strategy consulting. Contact me to see if we would be a good fit.


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