Creative Ways to Repurpose Your Online Marketing Content

Creative Ways to Repurpose Your Online Marketing Content

Creative Ways to Repurpose Your Online Marketing Content

Here are some creative ways to repurpose one piece of content all over the place in your online marketing strategy!


Repurposing Content


Today we are talking about repurposing your content. I’m going to give you some creative ways you can repurpose your online marketing content because one of the biggest pitfalls I see entrepreneurs face is feeling like they have to create brand new content all the time, but you actually don’t. That is exhausting, please don’t feel like you have to do that. We see all these people showing up everywhere on our social media feeds, maybe leaders in your industry, or entrepreneurs you look up to. But just keep in mind that they have been at this a long a$$ time and they are probably running ads. So check and see if that is sponsored content because if it is, then it’s an ad and you’re being retargeted on it, and that’s why you are seeing it over and over again. It’s not like they are sitting there actually posting every 30 seconds, and they also probably have a team. So, let’s just give ourselves grace that we are just one person doing this, or maybe you have a few clients that you are doing this for, and that the things you see online are not always what they seem. Ok, disclaimer over.


As you read this blog, please don’t be overwhelmed. I’m going to move quickly and cover a lot through these concepts because I have been working with them for a while and I’m pretty comfortable with all this stuff and the lingo. If any of it goes over your head, not to worry, it’ll sink in when it needs to sink in. My intention is really to inspire you to explore how you can make your life easier if you are creating content to promote your own brand or business. Or if you are a copywriter, a creative, a service provider, or VA, there might be some ideas in here about how you can suggest expanding your scope of work with one of your clients. If you are already writing a blog for them, you could offer to repurpose some of that content in other places. So let’s get into it.     


Long Form Content


First, you do need a piece of long-form content. There is some content creation required here, it’s not just all repurposing, because we have to have that initial long form piece of content to pull from. I’m going to use a blog as my example. If you don’t want to start with a blog, or written long form of content, you could start with a really long form social media caption, like maybe something posted on LinkedIn because they let you get really wordy on there, or Facebook, or even the long form Instagram posts could be repurposed. Or if you are more of a verbal or vocal communicator, and you have a podcast, or you have a YouTube channel, or you do longer live streams that are over 15-20 minutes, those can be repurposed into a bunch of fun stuff too. But for the sake of this, we are going to start with the blog.


Make a Video


Something you can do with a blog is turn it into a script for a podcast, live steam training, or a YouTube video. You just go through it, read it, use it as an outline, and put it out there on video. Video is taking over the world. Mostly short form, but long form as well. Also, keep in mind that YouTube is a search engine, so it’s a really great place to be discovered by a new audience, by posting videos on there. And your blog can be a guiding light to help you feel comfortable showing up on there. You don’t have to think of a new topic, because that thought energy juice was already put out into the blog so now all you have to do is kind of go rinse and repeat it into a longer video or a podcast episode.


Another thing you can do, as far as video goes, is use each little section as a topic for a reel, TikTok video, or YouTube short. Like I said, short form video is being really rewarded by the algorithms on social media platforms. Here is a side note, when you structure the blog itself, keep repurposing in mind. Blogs should be super easy to read and digestible in each easy section. They should be formatted properly, so you have an H1, H2, and then a bunch of H3s. H1 is your topic, H2 plays off of the topic and repeats the keyword if possible, although I have been hearing that keywords aren’t as effective as they once were, but I still think it doesn’t hurt. So H1, H2, and then your H3s will be subheadings for each little section. You can even get crazy, bear with me here, and put in some H4s. I know, oh my goodness, but we want to make our blog really scannable, and really easy to read. So, short paragraphs, easy to read conversational content, all those things, and then when you do that, then it’s even easier to repurpose them because it’s already chunked down into little sections for you. So if you aren’t sure what to make for your TikTok video of the day, you can just pop into your blog and pull out a little section and just speak on it for one minute and call it a day. That’s another way to repurpose your blog.


Social Media Captions


You can also pull paragraphs out of your blog and create social media captions. Pull a couple of paragraphs out, find a photo that relates, or post a selfie with it. You might want to do a little bit of reformatting and you definitely want to craft a hook to lead the reader to click and read more of the caption. But at least the bulk of it is ready to go straight from your blog. So add a hook and I also like to add some emojis. If you are an emoji person, throw them on in there, because I just love emojis, they are so fun. And I love it when you find people who are super clever with the emojis, ya know what I mean? I’m not that person, but I do my best with the sparkles and hearts. But some people are so witty with emojis, I’m like oh my goodness! I remember when there was this celebrity leak of photos and Kirsten Dunst tweeted out the pizza emoji and then the poop emoji…meaning piece of $hit. I don’t know if she thought of it, or maybe an assistant or an intern did, but it was so smart. I just love it, there is an art to emojis. But anyways, I digress. You can easily pull those paragraphs out of your blog for perfect social media captions.


Mic Drop Moments


You can also pull, what I like to call, mic drop moments, out of your blog. So if there are any short, quippy, 3-4 words or even a sentence that is just a zinger, pull that out and put those into Canva to make a graphic to be posted on social media. Those graphics are really shareable too, especially on Instagram, people love to share them in their stories. Also, make sure that your Instagram handle is on there, or however you can, make sure to credit yourself, because when they do get shared, you want people to know that those were your words and your brilliant thoughts coming through on their social media feed. 




Next, doing kind of a similar vibe as the mic drop moments is pulling out great one-liners and content for Pinterest. These lines might not be as zingy, they will be more information dense, but a little shorter also because it’s just a pin. But that being said, you can do bullet points as pins too. Pinterest is another search engine, so that’s another place that you want to be showing up for an opportunity for a new audience to find you. So you can take your blog, pull those sentences out, and create as many pins as you can to pin on Pinterest that will lead back to the blog. 


Ok, now here is another opportunity for you to grow your email list also. Ready? So, you are going to lead them back to your blog from Pinterest, and then you are going to have created a freebie opt-in offer for something cool that relates to that blog that’ll pop up and give them the opportunity to opt-in on and grab, like a checklist, or a pdf, or something else. For the record, I’m revamping my freebies at the moment, so don’t use my website currently – do as I say, not as I do – but I used to be more on it with this stuff. So I would write a blog about SEO, for example, and then I had an SEO checkoff sheet that would pop up, and then people would opt-in on my email list to get the freebie. It makes sense because they are already in the mindset of researching this thing. They are thinking, I’m looking into this thing on Pinterest, I typed it into the search bar, I found this pin that started to answer my question, and now I’m going to get even more answers to my question in this article or blog post, and now I’m going to get an even deeper understanding from this resource that ties into what I’m already searching for. So, that is a strategy you can look into as well. 


Adjust Content for Your Audience


Keep in mind that when you are repurposing content on multiple platforms, you are going to need to make some minor tweaks and adjustments to take your audience into consideration. So, it’s not a straight up copy and paste. You’re going to need to add a hook and emojis like I mentioned. You’re going to need to adjust the tone. You are not going to post the same thing on Instagram as you would on LinkedIn verbatim. It can be the same topic and guts, but you are going to go in there and kind of adjust based on the tone that platform is serving. When someone is on LinkedIn, they are in a different state of mind than when they are scrolling Instagram, versus Facebook and TikTok. Always, always, always keep your reader in mind. It’s not straight up copy and paste, I wish it was. You could do that and see what happens, but if you really want to make it land a little better with the audience, always keep them in mind, put them first, and make sure that you are making those adjustments as needed for each platform. 


Email Marketing


Now, let’s talk about how your content can be used in email a little bit. So, for the blog post itself, you can just share the whole thing as an email, that’s fine, there are no rules here, especially if your audience likes reading content, they’ll probably appreciate getting the content sent right to their inbox. You can also just take little pieces out like the paragraphs and email those. You can then, under the little snippet, include a CTA that will lead them to read the full article on your website, which increases your SEO on your website as well. So, that’s a fun little bonus there. Basically, you can either include the whole thing in your email or just use little pieces that link people over to your website. Same thing on social media, you can post the whole thing or just do sections and have it link back to your website, either one. But for email marketing, I like doing those 2 options. I usually do the – here’s a little blurb, read more on my website – in my emails but whatever makes the most sense for your audience, is what you should go with.


Observe and Adjust Your Content Repurposing Strategy


And now that you have repurposed this amazing content all over your social media marketing and email strategy, then you kind of observe, wait, watch, and notice what people are responding to most. I believe in publishing a lot of content. I personally do as well as I can with that. But also notice where it’s landing and where it’s resonating, so when you are creating content, it’s coming from an informed place and you’re not just throwing $hit at the wall and seeing what sticks. There is a balance of that, you want to experiment, you want to try new things, but if there is a certain style or topic that your people are really resonating with, then give the people what they want. Keep doing that kind of vibe in your content marketing, and then once they start getting bored with it, you’ll be able to tell because the numbers will reflect that. Then you’ll be able to tweak, adjust, and try something new until stuff starts to land again, and then move forward from there.


SEO Works


If you have good momentum with your blogs and you have a bunch of them published, watch your website rankings, because you are going to start ranking higher and higher. I bet you money, that if you stick with publishing blogs for maybe 3-6 months, it works. SEO works! You’re going to have this whole library of information that you can share with your audience, that you can send people to help them out if they have a question. You can be like, oh my gosh, I have an article on that, here’s my article, go read it. If you are in Facebook group communities, and people are asking for resources about things, you can share your expertise and establish yourself as an expert by sharing these links. 




You can also compile your blogs into an ebook, yay! And now your name is going to start popping up on Amazon. I have a whole podcast on creating an ebook because that’s something I’ve done. I also outsourced most of it because I just had all my blogs written already and I pulled the ones I like the best and compiled them into a little content marketing ebook. You can have it for free on Amazon or for a few bucks, whatever feels best for you. But that is another opportunity to repurpose your content so that more people can find you. You’ll be on Amazon, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, and all the places. And it’s easier than you think because you are not creating new stuff, you are just repurposing what you have already created and it becomes easy and fun. 


Ways to Repurpose Your Online Marketing Content


My insider tip is to outsource as much as you can. For example, my podcasts will be turned into blogs, which will then be turned into a bunch of social media posts, and I’m not writing any of that. So, if you are at a point where you can outsource, I feel like this is a really good place to start. 


So take that long form content that you so expertly created and repurpose it all over your other platforms or outsource it to someone else and let the work be done for you. Use your blogs as a podcast script, do a live stream training video, make a YouTube short, an Instagram reel, or a TikTok video out of it. Pull a few paragraphs out, add some emojis, and make social media captions or cool stories with your quippy mic drop moments that can be shared. Then use your best one-liners to create pins on Pinterest to lead back to your website that might offer a cool freebie opt-in that also adds them to your email list. Once they are on your email list you can repurpose even further by emailing entire blogs or snippets that link back to your blog. And once you have a big library of blogs with expert information, you can even compile those into an ebook to sell on Amazon. 


So keep publishing your blogs, let SEO work for you, repurpose your amazing content everywhere you can, and keep giving people the opportunity to find you. Then sit back, observe and adjust as needed. Repurposing your online marketing content will save you tons of time and energy and will help you find a new audience to help share your expertise with. And that’s it for content repurposing. I hope this resonated and I really hope you learned something. 


If you want to check out even more ways to repurpose your content grab my Spread Your Magic guide here where I give you over 20 ways to repurpose your long form content. 


You can also follow and connect with me on social media on Instagram @amyleisner and TikTok @amy.leisner. 


If you are a freelance copywriter and you want to connect with other freelance copywriters, come check out The Copywriting Girls Club. You can connect with other passionate female copywriters, grow your network, improve your craft as a writer, and have a safe space to vent about copywriting woes. Join us in the Copywriting Girls Club! It’s our private girl gang on Facebook, and we would love to have you in there to share your zone of genius.


I also put my Freelance Flow online course for new freelance copywriters on sale for $12. It’s an 8 module online course that helps you set up the foundations of an aligned freelance copywriting business. So if you would like that, you can reach out to me here and I’ll send the link over. 


And if you want to work with me in any capacity, you can check out my website which is