The Best Take-Aways from Social Media Marketing World 2019

The Best Take-Aways from Social Media Marketing World 2019

social media marketing world recap

Here’s a recap of Social Media Marketing World 2019! Please enjoy.

DAY 1!

I made it to Social Media Marketing World at the San Diego Convention Center without any issues, parked, took a picture of where I parked to use as a reference later, and went on in. So much energy in there! I got my badge and found a nice quiet hallway with other introverts like me to get my bearings. Then the sessions began!

Session 1: How to Write Sales Copy Without Being Salesy with Ray Edwards

7 Persuasion Principles:

  • It’s all about them, it’s not about you
  • To make it about them, you actually have to talk about you
  • Great copy addresses a problem, makes a promise, offers proof, and ends with a proposition
  • Your copy has to be useful and valuable in and of itself
  • There is no copy that’s too long, only copy that’s too boring
  • You have to give your reader a preponderance of proof
  • Great copy leads the reader to a fork in the road

Session 2: Content Marketing with Robert Rose

Content Marketing = your OWNED Media Strategy

4 Operating Models of Content Marketing:

  1. Player: content as a contributor
  2. Performer: content as a department
  3. Service: teach others to be better at their content (this is what I do :))
  4. Platform: content as a business model (The example he gave of this model was Red Bull. They are so good at content marketing that people who have never tried, or do not like, Red Bull will still recommend it to their friends.)

The purpose of your content marketing strategy is to ADD VALUE to your brand, and then you get to be creative in what ways you do that. It could be a blog, a well-curated social media feed, a podcast, etc. The key here is to create content that makes your audience TRUST you… because let’s face it, we all have trust issues with the mainstream media these days.

Session 3: Using Psychology in Your Copy with Mike Kim

In this session he gave us some really specific lines of copy to use in our email marketing at subject lines, or headlines for website copy. Here are some of them that you can try out:

I never thought it was possible but… (dot-dot-dot means you fill in the rest)

Not sure if this is you, but…

As you may know…

You’re never too young to be a great _____________, you’re never too old to be a better one.

I’m guessing you haven’t gotten around to…

Just out of curiosity, what do you really know about ____________?

Here’s what happens next…

People are loving these…

DAY 2!!

Lessons I learned at my Airbnb: always travel with a sleep mask, and check to see if you’re staying near a freeway or in a flight path before you book.

Keynote with Mike Stelzner

Facebook could be unrecognizable by 2020

Better > Bigger

Short videos work better on Facebook because Facebook doesn’t want passive viewing. That’s what YouTube is for.

81% of FB users also use YouTube


Session 1: Small Business Marketing with Bruce Irving

If you are on Facebook and running ads, a fun idea is to target people on their birthday and offer them a special discount or offer if they come in during a certain time period.

Put the owner in front of the camera and have them be the face of the brand – people love interacting this way! His examples were mostly chefs. One of them goes live every morning to show what he’s prepping that day and has grown a huge following.

Facebook messenger marketing can be a great tool for small business.

***Use LOCAL hashtags on Instagram.

Session 2: How to Optimize Your Live Videos

  • Add value by educating, inspiring, or entertaining
  • Live video is getting 6X more engagement on Facebook than anything else
  • Pre-promote your Live stream 1-3 days in advance
  • Start talking right away – don’t wait for people to “jump on” – most people are watching the replay and if you don’t start engaging right away they will get bored and leave the video.

Session 3: Coming Up with Content Ideas with Melanie Deziel

Story always comes first, no matter what format your content goes into

It’s easier to come up with ideas of what kind of content to create when you give yourself guidelines. “Creativity within Confines,” she called it.

Topic Types:

  • Feature (focus on one subject, like a person)
  • Overview
  • Deep Dive (this one is good for SEO because it’s longer)
  • History (“Looking Back” type article)
  • DIY/How To

Session 4: How to Grow Your Facebook Group

What people need to FEEL within your group:

  • Safe
  • Heard
  • Supported
  • Special
  • Belonging

If Facebook is your front yard, all landscaped and perfect, Facebook Groups are your backyard and you are hosting the party!

Some fun stuff you can do in your group:

  • Book clubs
  • Have monthly experts
  • Challenges
  • Prizes
  • Exclusive pricing
  • Have a monthly topic-theme for posting so people know what to look forward to

Session 5: More Facebook Group Tips

Have a simple and clear name of your group

For example The + “what” + “who” = your group name

Use your join request questions to get email addresses

4 posting categories:

  • Testimonials
  • Videos shared from your FB page
  • Your core content
  • Inspirational quotes

DAY 3!!!

So, full disclosure I skipped all the “party” portions of this conference. Not really my jam… but I’m sure they were fun. Especially if you were there with your team from work!

Keynote: Facebook and the Future with Facebook Queen Mari Smith

**You guys, Mari knows her sh** when it comes to Facebook. Her talk was super interesting.

Organic reach on FB business pages is only 1-6%

The Mari Method:

  • Your videos should be 15 seconds – 3 minutes
  • Live videos should be 7-20 minutes
  • Promote them a little so you can have the “learn more” button
  • Retarget your ads from the people who have watched the videos
  • Host Watch Parties

“Content is King but Engagement is Queen”

“Facebook Coin” is coming and so are WhatsApp payments

You should be posting: 70% Video, 20% Images, 10% Links/Other

“Instagram is Facebook’s Next Facebook”

Look out for ads in FB stories

Facebook messenger and chat bots are the future

You’re going to be able to promote your Private Groups soon

Stop caring about vanity metrics

Focus on:

  • Video content
  • Stories
  • Messenger marketing
  • Niche groups

Session 1: Instagram with Chalene Johnson (I LOVE Chalene so much!! I don’t care what her topic is I will always make it a point to listen to her live and be in her energy whenever possible.)

IG rewards you for using their latest and greatest bells and whistles

IG captions are getting longer because that helps people stay on the platform longer

Jump on IGTV – just do it. If Chalene says do it, you do it.

Spend more time interacting than posting

Ask your audience what they want and do that – ask what to name your programs, products, what classes to created, etc.

“Power of curiosity is stronger than our fear of loss.”

Don’t give people ALL the info in your caption – leave some out to encourage engagement

“Likes wear thin, questions win”

Session 2: Email Newsletters with Ann Handly 

Don’t focus on the “news,” focus on the “letter”

Write your letter like you’re writing to one person, not many

Try sending out surveys to ask people what they want to read and build content around that

Have the “juicy stuff” at the end so people read the whole thing

Basically, how I structure this newsletter, is a good way to do it 😉

And just one more thing – I’m a strong “repurpose your content” advocate. It saves SO MUCH time and effort when creating all the social media posts, emails, landing pages, email funnels, etc. for your business. I made this “Spread Your Magic” Free Guide that gives you 20+ Ways to Repurpose Your Soul-Driven Content. YOUR words deserve to be read by more people, on more places and platforms. Grab your copy HERE