How to Write an Email Newsletter for Practically Any Business

How to Write an Email Newsletter for Practically Any Business

writing an email newsletter

Email newsletters might sound a little old school, but I just love ‘em. They’re a great form of email marketing that, when done correctly, your audience will look forward to seeing in their inbox every week, or every other week, or whatever schedule you decide on.

I write a weekly email newsletter called “What a Week” and I’m not lying when I say it is one of my very favorite things to write for any and everyone who is willing to read it.

So this got me thinking about email newsletters for other businesses. Practically anyone from any business can jump on this newsletter train, and it could even start becoming one of your favorite things too.

I hear it over and over that the “coming up with ideas” part of content creation can be the hardest, so here are some ideas that I had, that I’m more than happy to share with any of you.

Wait, but what’s even the point of sending out an email newsletter?

I’m glad you asked. The point is to send your email list information and content that is valuable to them. It doesn’t have to be all about your business and doesn’t even have to include a deal or special offer every time.

Your email newsletter is a way to add value to your brand and stay top-of-mind, so when the time comes that these people need your service, they’ll think of you right away. Because, duh, “you send that awesome newsletter that I love to read every, week, month, or whatever.”

It’s that old “jab, jab, punch” technique that they talk about in traditional marketing. Keep dripping in the fun and entertaining stuff, and when it’s time to “sell,” it will feel really natural and authentic.

Here Are Some Email Newsletter Content Ideas for Your Business:

  • Personalized welcome note from the owner
  • News/updates about what’s been going on around the office/store/restaurant, etc.
  • Pick a staff member to feature in each newsletter
  • Shout out other local businesses (ie: there’s a new Thai place opening down the street you have to try!)
  • Local events coming up that people should check out
  • Fun/random facts about your industry (ie: for a law firm, those funny laws like how in Wisconsin “it’s illegal to serve a piece of apple pie without cheddar cheese on it”)
  • A DIY, recipe, or how-to (ie: a restaurant could share a seasonal cocktail recipe)
  • Give recommendations for your favorite TV shows, movies, music, products, etc.
  • Let people know about any upcoming sales or events you have on the horizon
  • Post teasers to blogs on your website and link people back to it

Write Your Email to the One Person, Not Many

Write your email copy like you’re writing an email to your close friend. Write like you and the reader are old pals. Stick with conversational copy so that it’s easy to read.

Did you know that Warren Buffett writes his annual company reports to his sister. Not to the whole company. These reports go out to all of his employees, and many of them have been published for public consumption too, so you know they’ve got to be good. His thinking is that his sister doesn’t need to know all the boring industry gargain to “get the point.”  

Skip the super technical industry terms in your newsletters and keep it fun, casual, and extra personalized.

Format the Sections So They’re Scannable

You also want to break it up into small sections. Use italics, different fonts, bold text, different sized texts, colors, etc., so that you guide the reader’s eye to the sections that you really want them to read. We call this making the email “scannable.” It’s essential. People don’t really like to read ALL the words, so you want to help them pick out the really good stuff.

More Resources for Writing Email Newsletters

I have a free guide that you can grab HERE to walk you through some handy email-writing tips.

There’s also a Email Marketing Crash Course you can grab HERE to give you a quick and dirty run-down on getting started with your email marketing campaigns.

Contact me with any questions you might have about any of this information! I’m happy to help.

And just one more thing – I’m a strong “repurpose your content” advocate. It saves SO MUCH time and effort when creating all the social media posts, emails, landing pages, email funnels, etc. for your business. I made this “Spread Your Magic” Free Guide that gives you 20+ Ways to Repurpose Your Soul-Driven Content. YOUR words deserve to be read by more people, on more places and platforms. Grab your copy HERE