Content Marketing Strategies You Can Start This Week

Content Marketing Strategies You Can Start This Week

content marketing advice

“Content marketing” is one of those buzz phrases in the digital marketing and advertising world that can have a lot of different meanings to a lot of different people.

And for those who are not in the “industry,” content marketing can be a very obscure and confusing thing. Being a “content marketer” is one of those professions that will get you a sincere look of puzzlement.

Content Marketing is Actually Pretty Simple

It’s really not as complicated as some people might make it out to be though. My definition is “the stuff that brands create that isn’t selling a product but is still valuable to the customer.” An old-school example of content marketing is the chocolate chip cookie recipe on the back of the Nestle chocolate chip cookie bag. (Which, I will argue, is one of the BEST chocolate chip cookie recipes out there.)

They didn’t have to put that recipe on the back. No one at the store is buying their product for the just the recipe and plans on tossing out the chocolate chips, but it does get people talking. (Like me, right now, endorsing their brand because of a piece of content they created to make my life easier, and full of cookies.)

Now that we’re in such a digitally driven age of advertising and marketing, content marketing has obviously evolved as well. Social media posts, blogs, apps, games, videos, quizzes, and even movies can be a form of content marketing. Pick a major brand, any major brand (within reason), go to their Instagram, and scroll through all that wonderful content. Does every post have their logo on it? Nope. Is every post promoting some kind of sale or discount? Nope, nope, nope. Good content marketing is adding value to the brand by basically doing a lil’ something nice for its customers or clients.

While the scope of content marketing is extremely broad, I have chosen three areas to focus on because I think they are easiest for small-to-mid level businesses to implement quickly, and at little to no cost.

Keep Posting Those Blogs, Articles, and New Content Pages

I see it time and time again – and am guilty of it myself on past endeavors I have started and then given up on. Websites that have a blog page with one sad post from 2017 and then it’s forgotten about. That’s not doing you any favors, people! Maybe it’s the word “blog” that turns you off. You might have this image of a well dressed 20 something taking photos of her outfits, writing about them, and getting paid booku bucks. But that’s waaaay different than what your blog should be. (Also, huge props to those ladies who do have a successful fashion blog that pays them good money. They worked hard to get there!)

A business blog should be at least 500 words long, include SEO keywords in the title and sprinkled throughout the article (tastefully), be scannable, have images with good meta, link back to other pages on the website, and have content that is actually interesting and valuable to the reader. Most importantly, it should be updated regularly – at least once per week.

Use Social Media to Spread Your Message 

Social media can be another one of those tasks that businesses know they “should” be doing more on (although I never recommend should-ing in yourself or others), and then feel guilty because they don’t have the time. If that’s the case, I recommend honing in on the one platform that speaks best to your tribe and putting all your effort there. Or, pick 2 to be active on. I have the most experience and have seen the most actual success with the Instagram and Facebook combo.

These days mostly Instagram–although I’m sure down the line I will be LOLing and how ridiculous it is to be so in love with Instagram when XYZ app is THE way to go for marking. Until then, I’m loyal to the Gram.

Social media for business is very specific to the field or niche, but in general, the more you can personalize your brand the better. People love seeing the face behind the product or service. Try out a few different types of posts (flat lays, selfies, professional photography, graphics, etc.), look at the analytics, and whatever performs best for you–do more of that. Instagram also always like when you use all their bells and whistles, so follow IG influencers (like SueB) and incorporate all those shiny new features in your posting schedule. Stay consistent, and your followers will start flocking.

Build Your Email List and Share Your Content Regularly

Email newsletters that are sent out even once per month are a great way to keep customers at the top of mind–even if no one opens them. But let’s not be negative. Building an email list and sending out regular emails can have major benefits for your business. They don’t even have to be promotional or designed. I’m seeing a lot of successful campaigns just looking like a regular email from your best pal. If you do have access to nice imagery, go ahead and throw that in there too.

MailChimp is my favorite ESP (fancy marketing acronym for email service provider) because it’s easy to drag and drop all the different elements you need in your email. Again, test them to see what works best. Test different wording for your CTA buttons and callouts. Test out text heavy vs. image heavy emails and see what people are clicking on. MailChimp gives awesome analytics too so it’s easy to see where you are succeeding and where you are falling short. Keep sending your list valuable content that’s not all salesy, and they will fall in love with you and buy your stuff 🙂

How they All Work Together to Get Results

All three of these content marketing strategies relate to each other. Your blog can be posted on your social media to help keep your feed active, and also get more eyes on your blog. (The point is we want them to go to your site to read the thing, remember.) Your social media can also be a way to promote your awesome email newsletters and link people to the sign-up page. Then, on that email you send out, you can link people over to your blogs posts, and have callouts (usually in the footer but you do you) to follow you on social media. And so on and so forth.

The key to ALL of this is consistency. Keep showing up, keep bringing really great content, and you’ll grow a following and grow your business too.

Ready to start blogging and want some fast and furious SEO tips? Check out this blog.

Do you “get it” that this stuff is important but don’t wanna do it yourself? I can help you with that!

Contact me and we’ll discuss your business goals and how content marketing can help.


And if you’re looking for even deeper support in expanding your freelance copywriting business, making more money, working less hours, and filling up your roster with clients you LOVE, the Freelance Flow Mastermind could be a great fit. Learn more HERE.