How to Effectively Repurpose Your Online Marketing Content in 2022

How to Effectively Repurpose Your Online Marketing Content in 2022

How to Effectively Repurpose Your Online Marketing Content in 2022

Stop working so dang hard! 😉 I see so many online entrepreneurs freaking out over all of the online marketing content they “have to” create. Is that you? Do you feel overwhelmed by having to do alllllll the things? Repurposing your content is going to make your life so much easier. Here’s how.


Sketch Out Your Week or Month of Content


First, you’re going to give yourself some kind of guide. I like using a Google spreadsheet and I have a column for the date, and then a column for a content theme for the day. Then you block out an hour (at the most) and fill it in. 


KEEP IT SIMPLE. My topics are things like sharing a content marketing tip, mindset hack, personal story, and quote graphic.


This makes it really easy to go in and create content because you don’t have to use any brain power figuring out what to talk about because you already decided! The trick is not to go back and second-guess yourself. This takes too much time. Just trust that you knew what you were talking about and create those posts!


I like having at least a month sketched out in advance, too, so you don’t accidentally miss mentioning a fun holiday. Like, “oh shit, tomorrow is St. Patrick’s day and I don’t even mention getting lucky once in my content!” 😉


Decide Where You Want to Post


The beauty of a comprehensive content marketing strategy is that everything relates to everything. So if you are choosing to post to Instagram, Facebook, an email list, TikTok, and a blog, it all goes together. Twitter can even be thrown in there really easily. The key is to choose platforms that excite you, and probably where your ideal audience hangs out. For the case of most of my clients, Instagram is a smart place to have a strong presence, you probably want some kind of an email list and the rest is up to you.


If you’re in a growth or exploration phase of business, or you just really like creating content, I say go big and hop on all of them! Pump out a lot of content and see where it resonates with your audience the best. You might be surprised that there actually are people over 35 on TikTok, for example.


Write Some Content and Adapt it for All Platforms


Here’s the juicy repurposing part. You have your theme, now write a caption. This one caption is going to serve you well, I promise. 


Side note: I highly recommend having a BLOG! (Optional but most effective way to repurpose)


I know that writing a blog is a tough sell for a lot of entrepreneurs, you’re busy enough, but getting this long-form piece of content published is a repurposing gold mine!! You can create probably a month’s worth of short-form content out of one quality blog post. It’s also the best thing for organic SEO. I encourage you to at least consider it. And if it’s a hard no, that’s totally okay, keep reading because I really break it down for you here.

Instagram (and Facebook personal page)


Okay, back to the caption part. You’re going to post the caption you created from your theme as an Instagram post and also use that same caption on Facebook (because why not… Facebook is a pay-to-play platform so let’s not put TONS of energy into organic posts, know what I mean?) Add relevant hashtags as the first comment. I like using a hashtag generator like Later or Hashtag Expert. 




Sum up this post in a Tweet, and Tweet it! Then you can also screenshot the Tweet and turn it into a text-based graphic to post as an Instagram image. Okay, for those keeping score, that’s one caption on 3 platforms so far. And we’re not done!!




Use the sentiment of your post to inspire a TikTok lipsync video or use the caption as a script for an educational video! Do the 1-minute option for this. (3-minute still seems way too long for me on that platform). So now we’ve used one caption to create content for 4 platforms. Woohoo!




You have options here. (And all places – it’s your life ;)) But for email, you can use the whole caption as the body copy of your email and just add a nice intro on top and make some minor adjustments so it reads more like an email. Or you can simply write “look at this amazing post I did about [topic]” and link people to the post! Easy peasy.




This works especially well when you have a blog. You can create TONS of unique pins that like to that one blog post. Just pull out some of your “mic drop” lines or valuable tidbits, put them in a cute graphic, and pin away. So how many platforms are we on? Six? This is so fun.


Okay, I think you get the idea and I hope this post inspires you to make the MOST out of the content you create! Not blasting it on all your platforms is like leaving money on the table. Remember – people are inundated with content all the livelong day, so they can easily miss yours if you only put it up once or in one place. Feel free to repeat yourself and keep repeating yourself. Your shit is too amazing for people NOT to experience it, so say it loud and proud, sister!!


If you’re looking for any support in your content marketing, I offer done-for-you copywriting and also done-with-you strategy sessions. Contact me to set up a free intro call to see if we’re a good fit to work together! 


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