How to Manifest Your Dream Copywriting Client

How to Manifest Your Dream Copywriting Client

How to Manifest Your Dream Copywriting Client

A real-life example of how to manifest your most aligned and highest paying clients.

Manifest Your Dream Clients

Who do you love working with in your business? And who do you not love working with more importantly? Having clients aligned with you can make all the difference in the world in your stress level, your creativity, your motivation, happiness and overall success. I recently brought in a client that is literally my dream copywriting client. They are exactly aligned with who I want to be working with long term in my copywriting business – not to mention my highest paying client to date – and it’s a dream!  I’m going to share the process that brought me to this point because everyone deserves to work with their dream clients. If you want to find who you are most aligned to work with, here are some tips you can use both energetically and strategically.

Pick a Niche

The first thing I did was become very clear about who I wanted to work with, in other words, I picked a niche. I have been all over the map on picking a niche since I started my business. I guess that is the manifesting generator in me, we like to jump around to a bunch of different projects. But this one has stuck for the longest, so I’m going to stick with it as long as it feels good to me.

For a hot second I wanted to focus on the cannabis industry – but that was just chasing money so that didn’t work, then I wanted to do hospitality – which I still love but just wasn’t quite right for a main focus, then I finally landed on the perfect niche (for now) which is a spiritual entrepreneur niche. I believe it’s exactly where I am meant to be and that is the best feeling.


Once I chose my niche, I began to really visualize who that person was within the spiritual entrepreneur industry that I was wanting to bring in. I wrote out the different niches within spiritual entrepreneurs that they might be in. I visualized what our working relationship would be like, which is really big for me. I wrote out their gender, their overall vibe, even a little bit of their look. I got really clear on who I wanted to call in to be working with. I wrote it in my journal, prayed on it and really visualized it over and over again.

Strategy Meets Energetics

Next, I redid my website to reflect my new niche. This is where the strategy meets the energetics. I did a total revamp of my website so that I was speaking directly to that person that I knew I wanted to work with. I brought in someone to help me redesign it and I rewrote the whole thing. 

It took a little bit of imposter syndrome healing to really come up with the new copy for my website because I’m not a spiritual entrepreneur myself, I am more of a spiritual fan girl. I had some typical imposter syndrome thoughts to work through in the process. I thought, who am I to think that these people would want to work with me? And why would they want to if I don’t have a ton of other spiritual clients in my portfolio? No one is going to want to hire me because they don’t see examples of work in their field. These are all typical things to work through and for me working through things like this means closing my eyes and jumping on in. I did exactly that and pushed through all those doubts and that little ego chatter in my ear that said you are not going to be good at this or it’s going to be a waste of your time or what are people going to think? I just pushed all that to the side and jumped right in.

To update the copy on my website, I used terms throughout the entire site that spiritual people would resonate with. I used terms like alignment and manifesting so that people reading my site would feel like I’m speaking their language already and would make them feel like I would easily be able to capture their voice and tone and work well with them. This can apply to any industry, so if you want to niche into tech industries, you can use tech jargon in your copy, or if you want to niche into hospitality you can do the same thing. Use little words that trigger in their mind that you are their people. You are one of them already so it would be an easy decision for them to want to work with you.

Narrow Down Services

I also narrowed down some of my services to only include what I actually really enjoy doing. I will probably do another revision of this but I had to really be brave and eliminate some things that would bring me money but not joy. There are different offerings and services that I can do but I don’t like to do. This was difficult for me because if I can do something I want to help as much as possible, but I don’t feel like trudging my way through the depths of web development is worth the money when I don’t enjoy it. 

I had to narrow down my offerings so that once I brought in that person that I really want to work with, I’m not just working with the right person but I’m also doing the kind of projects that really bring me joy. It took courage to delete some of those things that do bring me money but if I didn’t feel excited about working on it, I just dove in and took it off the table. 

Because what if all the projects we work on are only what we love to do? It might sound like a crazy concept but it absolutely can be a reality. We are in control of more than we give ourselves credit for and everything is a choice. We might not always like the outcome of our choices that we make but we are in control when it comes to who we work with and how we work with them. It might not always feel like that, but that is the ultimate truth, so take the reigns of that and really craft offerings and clientele who you would love to work with.

Adjust Social Media

After all the adjusting on the website end, I also adjusted all of my social media platforms to reflect my spiritual niche. I wrote directly to that person. I switched out my hashtags and actually brought in a client from the hashtags alone. Think of the person you want to be working with and use their language as much as you can in your marketing copy, website copy and your hashtags. 

Believe in Your Dream

Overall, it’s really a combination of strategy and energy. This is what my whole business philosophy is and it’s how I come up with strategies and copy for my clients. It’s a combination of work, experience, analytics, and just a feeling. What feels good, what makes the most sense, what feels like will get the best results, and oftentimes your intuition is spot on. 

The biggest thing that got me to my dream client in this process was something that Amanda Frances teaches. I started to really believe it had already happened. I would journal about how happy I was to have my dream clients and I would really tap into how excited I was to be doing the work for them. I wrote about how flowy and easy it was to correspond with them and how I wasn’t afraid to send them my work and didn’t have a fear of receiving sassy and negative feedback in return. 

I started to tap into the feelings and it really helped to shift my energy towards finding the people that I would really love to work with. And it worked! I brought in my dream client that literally found me on Instagram from my hashtags. I had one conversation with her and then we were off to the races. Now I’m working on projects that I love, am super excited to be doing and that also might even shift the structure of my own business.

So, really tap into the strategy and the energetics between what you want to bring in and do the work. Believe in divine timing, if it doesn’t happen right away that doesn’t mean you should give up and try something else. Just keep plugging along and you will find the path that works best for you. It’s the law of attraction and it’s how it works.

If you want to chat or learn more about all this fun stuff, join the Copywriting Girls Club on Facebook HERE. We talk everything freelance copywriting related and love getting a little woo woo into the energetics side of business too.

I also recommend checking out The Copywriter Club podcast and all of their communities for exciting and useful copywriting tips. And definitely check out Amanda Frances because she is the money queen and teaches everything about manifestation.

You can also connect with me on Instagram HERE.

And just one more thing – I’m a strong “repurpose your content” advocate. It saves SO MUCH time and effort when creating all the social media posts, emails, landing pages, email funnels, etc. for your business and helps with those SEO rankings. I’m also a big believer in spreading the love, so I made this “Spread Your Magic” Free Guide that gives you 20+ Ways to Repurpose Your Soul-Driven Content. YOUR words deserve to be read by more people, on more places and platforms. Grab your copy HERE