Spiritual and Energetic Practices You Can Incorporate Into Your Business

Spiritual and Energetic Practices You Can Incorporate Into Your Business

Spiritual and Energetic Practices You Can Incorporate Into Your Business

There’s so much more to entrepreneurship than just marketing, launches, client acquisition, and content creation. We are HUMANS with feelings and emotions, and there’s a whole internal and universal world that’s here to support you. 


Here are some of my favorite energetic and spiritual practices that enhance my personal and professional life–mind, body, and spirit. 




This is a great entry-level practice to start helping you tap into your intuition and pay attention to “downloads” from source. Okay, that might sound kinda “out there” but stay with me here. Just start writing and see what happens. A simple structure like:

  1. Free write, “brain dump,” Dear Diary style just WRITE.
  2. Affirmations – write out your goals as if they have already happened. Lots of “I am…” statements.
  3. Desires – declare what it is that you really WANT in life.


You’re going to be pleasantly surprised at just how much clarity and insight you can get from your SELF! It’s also nice to clear out some of that mental chatter that keeps you up at night by just writing it down so you can release it.


Pulling Cards


There are so many different decks out there for you to choose from! I pull from both oracle decks and also a deck of tarot cards. One of my decks was a gift, the other was recommended by a spiritual mentor, and the tarot cards I bought along with a beginners guide that tells you how to attune them, shows you some different spreads, and gives the meanings of all the cards.


For business, I like to pull cards on full moons or new moons, after I meditate, or just any time I feel called and ask a specific question. If you have to make a big choice in business or need some guidance on a new path, cards can be great resources. Hold them to your heart and ask the question you need support with, and pull away! Remember, you can’t do it “wrong.” And there’s always YouTube if you want to see how others use them.




As someone who grew up catholic and ended up both leaving and resenting the catholic church for so many reasons, prayer was something that I resisted for a long time. But I have found it again and it’s the first thing I do every single morning. I pray to God, angels, and ancestors, and I list off all the things I’m grateful for and then ask for whatever help or guidance I might need. 


Sometimes I pray for money miracles and sometimes I pray for focus and clarity. I pray for world issues, I pray for the health and safety of my family and friends… anything that comes to mind, really. You can pray to the Universe, source, mother Mary, mother earth… whatever feels good for you. To me, prayer is sending out signals to the universe so that it knows what I’m up to and how to help me be the best person I can be.




This is the practice where you get to go inward and receive. Prayer is like sending out energy and meditation is letting it come in. That’s how I see it at least. Even just 5 minutes of meditation per day will yield really great results, and you’ll likely want to start going for longer. You can use apps like Insight Timer or the Calm app, or just set a timer on your phone to sit in stillness.




Did you know you have more than one sign? Like a whole CHART of signs and each section of your chart controls something different? It’s true. For this, I’m definitely going to recommend following or hiring real astrologers, but you can get a lot of support regarding how you run your business, how you communicate with your team, what times of your life things are going to shift and change, etc., from your chart. Pay special attention to where Mercury is in your chart because that planet controls COMMUNICATION, which as we all know is essential for success in business.


Human Design


You have a Human Design energy type and chart too! This is similar to Astrology, you’ll need your birth date, time, and location, but you can find your chart for free on the internet and then go down the big long Human Design rabbit hole. It’s fascinating. Similar to Astrology, different parts of your chart will teach you the best way to network, set your schedule, launch programs or products, communicate, attract customers, etc. And as always, I highly recommend finding experts you trust to dig deeper.


Sage and Palo Santo


I love having something close that I can burn to cleanse the energy. I like to burn some sage before I meditate, and if a client call goes wrong or you get some rude feedback, it just feels good to light a little fire and burn that sh** energy away, know what I mean? I also love how they smell.


If you’re looking for support in your online marketing strategy and execution and would love to incorporate some of this spiritual stuff into your business. we should chat! I offer copywriting and online marketing strategy consulting. Contact me to see if we would be a good fit. 


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