What is a Content Marketing Consultant and Why Should you Work with One?

What is a Content Marketing Consultant and Why Should you Work with One?


The term content marketing is fairly new in the marketing and advertising industry. So that means that naturally a “content marketing consultant” is very new too. But really, just the title is new. The job itself isn’t.

Just like any other consultant role, a content marketing consultant will come into your business, audit what you’ve already got going on with your content marketing strategies, and work with your and your team to come up with some new ideas and a plan to make your content marketing even better.

Working with a content marketing consultant might be for you if…

“What’s content marketing?”

If you just asked yourself that question, you might want to consider working with a consultant. Basically any business can benefit from content marketing. I like to explain it as the “stuff” (aka content) that you create as a valuable piece of information, tool, or resource for your customer. And then you post it somewhere on the internet… like on your website, social media, or in an email. This content can be written, in audio form, or in video form. But don’t worry, your content marketing consultant will go over all that with you.

You want to give your existing marketing or PR team some extra support.

In the past when I have worked with companies as an outside social media or digital marketing manager (these both fall under the content marketing umbrella), it always worked best when I was working with their existing badass marketing manager or team.

They know the brand, the clientele, the industry, etc., better than I do, and I’m the expert who knows the latest content marketing strategies and can implement them in a way that makes sense to their business.

They also know what sales and promotions are going on in the business, what offers they are wanting to promote, what’s worked well for them in the past and what has been a total flop. Cultivating a partnership between an internal marketing manager and team with a content marketing consultant is when the magic really happens.

You’re being told you “should be on social media” but don’t know where to start.

It pains me when I see entrepreneurs and businesses trying to have a presence on all of the social media platforms. This is not necessary, and it’s not even really helping much, to be honest.

It also leads to overwhelm, which can lead to just throwing in the towel and not creating any content at all.

Working with a content marketing consultant can help you choose the one or two platforms that will benefit your business most, and come up with a strategy for each of them. Maybe your business would benefit from starting a Facebook Group. Maybe you should go all in on Pinterest. A consultant will help get you going in the right direction.

You can watch YouTube videos and sign up for free trainings until you’re blue in the face, but the secret sauce is getting advice that’s specific to your brand, your audience, and your goals.

(Read that again.)

Other people in your industry are crushing it online, and you want to know the secrets.

Guess what… I LOVE learning about this stuff! I get excited to read all my content marketing newsletters, stay on top of all the latest updates to social media algorithms, and listen to podcast after podcast about content marketing trends.

These brands who are crushing it on social… who aren’t content marketing or social media pros… are getting help. It’s just that simple. Their zone of genius is being the visionary of their brand, and they also know that in order to reach and help more people– they need a content marketing strategy that works.

THAT’S the secret. They’re hiring someone else to keep them up to date on all the secrets.

You have an email list but you’re not making the most out of it.

Do you have a healthy email list but you’re not sending out emails regularly? This makes me sad.

There is so much potential in email marketing it’s nuts! But you don’t know what you don’t know, which is where working with a content marketing consultant can be so valuable.

You might not have even thought to send a fun monthly newsletter that isn’t “selling” anything, or that it’s okay to send out 3 “reminder” emails to your list before a big launch, or that your email list is one of the BEST ways to talk to the most targeted audience on the internet– but they do. And they’ll tell you alllllll about it.

A content marketing consultant can recommend email marketing campaign strategies for upcoming events, launches, sales, promotions, announcements… pretty much anything you can think of.

Email marketing can drive people to your website and social media channels too, and is a great place for repurposing existing content too.

You need someone to help you show up consistently.

Accountability is huge. It can help us in all different areas of our life. Your content marketing consultant is going to help you come up with a plan and strategy, and then will check in on you to make sure you’re following it.

They will keep you accountable not only because they care and want to see your business succeed, but they want their business to succeed, too! If their strategies don’t work, who will hire them? That’s a big loud “no one.” Your consultant will do everything in their power to get you amazing content marketing results– including calling you out when you’re not holding up your end of the deal.

Also, you’re much more likely to follow through with something if you’re paying for it. Plain and simple.

If you would like to find out more about my content marketing consulting services I would love to chat. You can contact me and set up a free 30-minute discovery call where we will go over your current content marketing, and see if we vibe together and if I would be a good match to come in and help you take it to the next level! Email amy.a18media@gmail.com and let’s set something up.

And just one more thing – I’m a strong “repurpose your content” advocate. It saves SO MUCH time and effort when creating all the social media posts, emails, landing pages, email funnels, etc. for your business. I made this “Spread Your Magic” Free Guide that gives you 20+ Ways to Repurpose Your Soul-Driven Content. YOUR words deserve to be read by more people, on more places and platforms. Grab your copy HERE