Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing

Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing

Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing

If you’re a coach or online entrepreneur, I can guarantee you’ve been told to share your story. But why? 


Here are some great reasons why this story-telling aspect of your marketing is so important.

I know you have been sitting on webinars and masterclasses and stuff like that where these leaders and highly successful people are telling you to share your story. But why? Why do people care about our journey and background? Aren’t we supposed to be focusing on them and their transformation? And the answer is yes, and…


The Know, Like, Trust, Process


It really all comes back down to the know, like, trust process in sales and marketing. It’s just an essential element of what we do. It’s major because when people know you and trust you they are more likely to buy from you. But you have to earn their trust first, and telling your personal stories is a great way to do this. It’s really just psychology. 


Think about when you get marketed a product or a service. Think about a copywriter like me trying to sell you something versus a friend approaching you with – hey, you have to try this one thing, it’s amazing! Or even when you read reviews online. I know that I’m much more swayed and compelled when I read positive reviews about services, programs, restaurants, etc., then from reading the sales page itself. (Although sales pages can be very compelling – sales pages are kind of my thing.) But anyways, I’m going to trust that friend more than the person marketing me, because I know that friend, I like that friend, and I trust that friend. So, that is kind of what we are trying to get at with the know, like, trust process and to expedite that process we are telling stories about ourselves. 


Share Your Scars Not Your Wounds


I heard this quote, I believe was from Jasmine Star, but she probably heard it from someone else, and it might be wrong, but I think you’ll get the right idea. It’s “share about your scars, not your wounds”. There is this fine line of vulnerability in storytelling when we post a caption online about something hard we have been through, or in talking about certain situations we have been in. While that is really really empowering, it’s also really important to have taken the time to process and heal that chapter of your journey for yourself before you go ahead and share it with the world. The reason is, that energy you are putting out there with that story comes through the way you tell it. If you are still in the mess of it, it’s not going to be coming from a place of empowerment. So we want to take some time to heal and process those situations that are eventually going to be great connection points that you are going to heal, learn, and grow from. But when you are in the thick of it, it’s just not the best energy to put out there when you share your story. We don’t want our post to be a therapy or vent session. Also, emotions are on high and there is a lot going on in your system. So you need to give yourself time to settle, process, reflect and then to go in and share that story from a more enlightened high vibe place than when you are in the thick of it. 


I love vulnerability and sharing all that stuff. But I really think it’s important to take the time to heal from whatever you are going through before you go ahead and share all of that. Also, when you share, you are opening yourself up to feedback from the world. We are posting on the internet and on social media, that’s where our stories are going. You want to get engagement and start conversations, and all those things. But if you are in the thick of it and some comment comes in, it could be salt on the wound, or triggering, and that is not going to help your healing journey. So put yourself first in those moments, allow yourself time to process, move through whatever the situation is you are going through. Then once you are ready, go ahead and use that experience as an opportunity to empower others or to help others feel seen and understood. 


But give yourself that time and space when you are going through it and really just be in it. Take as much time and space as you need until you are on the other side and feel empowered to share. You shouldn’t feel pressured to share your stories or feel obligated. It’s going to feel a little scary sometimes, you might feel that little nervousness in your stomach. But anxiety and excitement have a very similar feel, so maybe you are excited about sharing, you’re a little weary because you haven’t gone there before, but that’s different than just not being ready and resistant. So trust your body before you hit send. I know I have been in programs where we were really encouraged to share everything, all parts of our journey, and in the moment it didn’t always feel the best and I wish I would have trusted that feeling. You are the best judge of what is appropriate to share and when, while also letting yourself get a little uncomfortable in those vulnerable moments.   


They See Themselves in Your Story


Another amazing benefit of sharing your story on social media or in your marketing, is you give your audience an opportunity to see themselves in your story. For example, this is the story of my first car. When I was 16 years old, I was living in a small town in central Wisconsin, and my Dad bought me a 1988 silver Honda Civic. This little old lady owned it down the road and she only drove it to the grocery store and home and it had very low mileage. I called it Vick. So, when I’m telling this story, you’re really thinking about your first car, what it looked liked, if it had a name, how you got it, what the story around it was. Right? You are putting yourself into my story, and you are associating your life’s experiences with my story, and you are going back there in your imagination. 


When you are telling your story, they are going to relate to it and see themselves in it. And when you get to the end where you kind of loop it around to the moral of the story or the point of your story, they are going to see themselves in that transformation too. If you start somewhere and people really get themselves in that place, and then you bring it around to the transformation that you are going to provide for them, like what you went through, that’s going to illicit a much stronger emotional connection with someone and they are going to feel like they know you on a more intimate way just by telling that story because they associate with you, they relate to you, they feel close to you. So again, it’s that know, like, trust, process that we are really nurturing with our storytelling. 


Also, the subconscious loves when we keep things simple and storytelling is a great way to do that because it’s conversational, it’s fun, there are emotions involved. Those are all things that humans love. So when you are telling a story you are not getting caught up in industry jargon or coaching terminology. I’ll tell you about a time that I worked with a coach that changed my life because it was like hanging out with a girlfriend, but she was also asking the hard questions and pushing me in all the right ways. And this one time she sent me $20 on Venmo and told me to go celebrate this win I had and it was a really cool experience. You are connecting more with that than if I told you that the transformation she provided evolved me as an entrepreneur and the generosity she shared…blah blah blah. That’s how we might write about it but when you are telling stories you are using that fun conversational tone and people connect with that much easier. It’s easier for the subconscious to connect with that and the subconscious loves simplicity and clarity. And that clarity is also going to make it easier for them to make a decision to take an action to work with you or buy from you.   


Vulnerability is a Trait of Strong Leaders


That last tidbit I have about storytelling is that vulnerability is a trait of strong leaders. So, if you are open to telling your story, getting vulnerable, sharing more intimate things about your life, that is the sign of a strong leader. Have you ever posted something that was more of an intimate or vulnerable share, and a lot of the responses you get are like – wow you’re so brave, I really admire you for sharing that, thank you for sharing that? Well, it’s true! It is brave of you to put yourself out there, think about how many people are on the internet or Instagram just posting a picture of their cat with an emoji caption. Love that, love all kitty, dog, and duck pics, but you are in the business of selling something and in the business of leading and you are leading someone to a transformation. So, for you to have the courage to get out there and share that part of you, even though you are opening yourself up to all kinds of feedback and possible criticism, that is something to feel proud of and that is the trait of a strong leader. 


If it’s your calling as a coach, as some type of leader, a healer, or someone who offers a transformation, your stories are so so important and vital. We need to hear them and that’s going to help you connect with the people you are meant to lead. People want to be led, that’s something we have to keep in mind too, especially as females in this space, we are conditioned in a certain way to present ourselves in a certain way, so we really need to push through that societal standard of being nice and very accommodating to others. Like, do this if you want to, it’s no big deal if you don’t. No, people want to be led, they want to be told what to do in a gentle and pathetic way. Or not, and just get straight to the point and tell them this is what you should do because I just know on the other side of you taking this action your life is going to change. 


So vulnerability is the trait of strong leaders and for you getting vulnerable in your storytelling, you are exemplifying that you are a strong leader and that someone can trust you to hold space for them and be their support system when they need, and to empower them to get to that level of leadership and confidence that you are at now. 


Tell Your Story


The storytelling aspect of your marketing is so important because it’s what draws people in and builds connections. Your storytelling begins the know, like, trust, process. And the more people trust you, the more likely they are to buy from you. But share your scars, not your wounds. Take the time to process your experience so that your sharing comes from a place of healing and enlightenment and will help empower others to do the same. Storytelling also gives your audience an opportunity to see themselves in your story. The subconscious loves the simplicity of relating to a fun conversational story and that brings clarity. Then that clarity makes it simple for them to make a decision to work with you or buy from you. And lastly, vulnerability is the trait of a strong leader and people like to be led. So be brave and share those stories when you are ready so you can build trust with your audience and ultimately lead them into the same level of peace, confidence and leadership that you have achieved.


If you want to journey further into the know, like, trust process, come connect with me on Instagram @amyleisner and Tik tok @amy.leisner.

I also have a Facebook group called The Copywriting Girls Club where we love to chat about all things copywriting and bounce our ideas off of each other in an amazing group of ladies from all levels of the business. Come join us and make some important connections!

Speaking of copywriting, I am indeed a copywriter for coaches and I have a Sales Page in a Day offer that I have open for booking. Basically you get your whole entire sales page written for you in one day. There are three check in points where we connect with each other and make sure things are going on the right track. Other than that, it’s totally hands off and I will write a beautiful sales page for you that’s ready to be sent to your developer or designer in one day. I’m excited about that and excited to support you. If you are interested in that, or in any other ways we can work together, just reach out. You can contact me through my website at A18media.com.

And grab a copy of my awesome freebie that gives you 20+ ways to repurpose your content. Because let’s make life easier on ourselves. It’s called the Spread Your Magic guide and you can grab your free copy here.